Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Enjoy Park City Film virtual cinema, "Yalda: A Night for Forgiveness" once you have enjoyed a Park City massage therapist

Due to Covid 19, movie theaters have shut down and we have not been able to enjoy sitting in theaters and enjoy some popcorn while watching a great movie. Park City Film Series has found a way for us to enjoy all of our movies, virtually! Once you have enjoyed working with a Park City massage therapist, sign up to enjoy the movie, "Yalda: A Night for Forgiveness". This story of a crime, punishment and the gift of forgiveness is enthralling and captivating. Check the website for all the details and enjoy this feeling of movie going again! 

It is our pleasure to provide this information. If you are in the area and need a Park City massage therapist or are in need of Deer Valley massage therapist please consider Massage Express.

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